New Series on Personal Experiences with Guides

I'm starting a series sharing my personal experiences with deities, angels, etc that I have worked with. I’m sharing as a way to offer a “contemporary” perspective on what it might be like to work with these specific beings.
I'm starting a series sharing my personal experiences with deities, angels, etc that I have worked with. I’m sharing as a way to offer a “contemporary” perspective on what it might be like to work with these specific beings.

I'm starting a series sharing my personal experiences with deities, angels, etc that I have worked with. I’m sharing as a way to offer a “contemporary” perspective on what it might be like to work with these specific beings.

I’m NOT setting myself up as a definitive authority on what they are like. These are strictly my personal experiences. Yours may be different!


Personal Experience
How Long Does it Take to Heal?

if you are looking for a quick fix to a problem that has been going on for years, you are not going to find it. Anywhere. A shaman doesn’t offer quick fixes and magic pills. Even an allopathic (traditional western medicine) doctor won’t offer a quick fix,

Personal Experience
The Shamanic Journey and Poetry

A nice "side-effect" of undertaking a shamanic journey on a regular basis is inspiration

Personal Experience
The Power of Words Over Perception: Part 2

In my first post on this topic, I mentioned an exercise my development circle leader encouraged us to try. She asked us to try going a few weeks without using profanity. This post goes over a few observations I experienced during that time and since then.