Intro to Sprit Contact Class

This is one of my psychic development classes, the topic of this one is spirit communication in general. These are personal, small classes that I offer live, and in recorded bundles. I'm offering this class free because it's packed with important info and is a great way to share what you get
This is one of my psychic development classes, the topic of this one is spirit communication in general. These are personal, small classes that I offer live, and in recorded bundles. I'm offering this class free because it's packed with important info and is a great way to share what you get

This is one of my psychic development classes, the topic of this one is spirit communication in general. These are personal, small classes that I offer live, and in recorded bundles. I'm offering this class free because it's packed with important info and is a great way to share what you get when you study with me!


New Series: Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is one of the many tools a shaman can use to offer guidance to members of their community.

Do you want to expand your psychic abilities?

..Over the years of working as a shaman, psychic, and energy healer, I have had the pleasure of meeting many other people who are as passionate and gifted in this field as I am.

Psychic Development Class Bundles are up!

I promised I would release recordings for those who want to learn but can't make it to the live classes. Well, the first set of those classes is now available for purchase! I'll keep releasing them in groups of six, and I will leave the older lessons up as new sets are released.