Walking between Worlds

Tarot Cards, Reiki & Shamanic Journeys

Virtual Sessions, Readings, and Classes
SEE my Services

My Services

When you book a live, virtual session with me, the time can be applied to any of the services below.

Dream Interpretation

Understand what your subconscious is trying to tell you! You’ll send me your dream description either in text or email before I complete your interpretation. Once I receive both payment confirmation and your dream, I will send you your reading as an audio recording or in writing in PDF format (you choose).

Akashic Readings

Access the records of the Akashic Realm. These readings are ideal for when you notice patterns throughout the course of your life that you can’t seem to break out of or need further understanding on. The Akashic Records are the recorded events of all of our past and present lives. This is where we come to know ourselves as we originally are, before we had names.

Shamanic Journey Work

A Shamanic journey is “A healing practice in which the person undertakes a journey in imagination during which help is sought from spirit helpers or spirit guides who often appear in the form of animals.” (definition taken from the Glossary of Transpersonal Terms) I don’t know what specific method I will use to assist you until I am already in the journey. Click here to see some of the forms of healing that could take place.

Angel Readings
Icon of moon with a cloud

Connect with Archangels. If you feel drawn to a certain angel, or wish to have one work with you through certain areas of your life, this reading is for you. You’ll send me your question either in text or email before I complete your reading. Once I receive both payment confirmation and your question, I will send you your reading as an audio recording or in writing in PDF format (you choose) along with a photo of the spread.

For Animals

For animals, I offer reiki and shamanic journey work to help assist dying animals transition as gracefully and painlessly as possible into the other side of life.

Tarot Card Readings

For all readings, you’ll send me your question either in text or email before I complete your reading. Once I receive both payment confirmation and your question, I will send you your reading as an audio recording or in writing in PDF format (you choose) along with a photo of the spread (for card readings).
Please email walkbtwnworlds@gmail.com with your question after purchasing. I can't send you your reading until I receive a question! :-)

Trance Healing & Reiki

Trance healing sessions normally don’t last longer than a half hour. Trance healing is a form of energy healing that is more aggressive than Reiki. Like in trance mediumship, a spirit guide enters the healer’s auric field and shares some of their physical space. Once a connection has been established and the guide is merged with the healer, the healer touches the client gently on the shoulder or back. The spirit guide then proceeds to direct healing energy into the client’s body using the healer as a channel.

Old stone wall with a small window-like hole through which can see green trees. Rather fae-like

In addition to regular in person and distance sessions,

I offer a monthly, virtual psychopomp journey circle. The circle is free and you don't have to be a shamanic practitioner. Occasionally I offer other one-off group healing sessions, classes, or in person events. All my events are listed on SSP's website. If you are interested in a specific type of class or group healing session for you and your loved ones, please email me to discuss! I'm happy to create a class tailored to your needs.


I have had the privilege of knowing Memphis LaBella for several years. She has worked for me using several of her modalities. Her tarot readings are quite accurate and have given me much needed insight into troubling situations. When she did a shamanic journey for me, I learned a lot about myself...This unique information has helped me move forward and grow...Words cannot adequately describe this wonderful experience. Memphis always works from a place of love...Many psychics, mediums, and healers are gifted but Memphis presents the information in a positive way with much empathy. She is very honest, very gifted, and very compassionate.

Rev. L Kardux

While I've been a pretty stable person, some things she has helped me see have been unknown to me for some time. Previous to this I had no inkling on what healing of this type entailed and I'm glad I took a dive into something that I didn't know much about. I'm infinitely grateful for the things she has done for me.


I was searching for somebody who would understand or at least accept the unusual spiritual circumstances I found myself in. Memphis is one of only less than a handful of professional intuitives who not only accepted what I knew to be right for me, but was able to help me better understand it.

Karen P.

Memphis is a very calm and peaceful soul. She was respectful and made me feel at ease. I went to her for pain I've been having in my toes for the past several years. I've been pain free since our session.

Laura C.

I truly believe that we are all born with the power we need to fulfill our lives' purpose.

My name is Memphis LaBella.

I’m a lover of hoop dance and poetry. I’m a mother to two small boys, a cat, and two ball pythons.

I’m also a shaman and natural intuitive working with integrity and compassion in the Philadelphia area and beyond.

I was born with my gifts, as they run in my mother’s side of the family. Throughout my childhood, I would see the dead, beings of the faerie realm, and speak with angels. Despite having inherited my gifts, for the majority of my teenage years, I was persecuted for my abilities by my family, who are also deeply religious. I could not control what I was experiencing, and this scared many people, including myself. It also made me depressed, to know that half of the world I saw was obscured from the view of my loved ones. Eventually, my parents took me to a doctor, who erroneously diagnosed me with schizophrenia. At 13, I was institutionalized in a psychiatric facility for almost 7 years, where I spent much of that time in solitary confinement. To keep myself from actually going insane, I would sing broadway show tunes. The greatest gift I received from this experience is the unshakable knowledge of who and what I am.

Today, I practice shamanism to redeem the suffering of my past, and to educate other intuitives on how to control their abilities, rather than allowing their abilities to control them.

Memphis in flowing dress standing, smiling, in front of a tank with large fish
Memphis LaBella
Shaman, Natural Intuitive
See examples of my work on YouTube.
I'm also listed on SSP and in Sandra Ingerman's directory. See my interview with MysticMag here.

I’m here to demonstrate the resiliency of innocence, and restore power to others.

Still not sure if we're a good fit?

I offer mini readings and pre-recorded online classes.

These low cost services can help us get to know each other without the full commitment of time or expense. Please email to purchase or talk about booking a session!

Contact me to book

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Payment & Policies

ALL sessions are paid in full at time of booking using PayPal or Venmo. I have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for individuals who cannot respect other’s time and their own commitments.  Cancellations made more than 24 hours in advance will receive a full refund if payment has been made in advance, and will not be charged for the session if payment hasn’t been made yet.

Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance do not receive a refund and do not have the opportunity to schedule again in the future. Reschedules attempted to be made within 24 hours of appointment time are treated as a last minute cancellation.

Click here for my data privacy policy.